1Guideline of Emancipatory Learning-Community ServiceLink
2Guideline of Data Reporting to PDDIKTILink
3Guideline Admission-National SelectionLink
4Guideline of Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum RevisionLink
5Guideline of Digital LearningLink
5aSindig Guideline_StudentLink
6Guideline of Thesis and Final ProjectLink
7Guideline of Fast TrackLink
8Guideline of National Student ExchangeLink
9Guideline of Admission-Independent SelectionLink
10SINDIG Guideline_LecturerLink
11Guideline of Emancipatory Learning-InternshipLink
12Guideline of Emancipatory Learning-Introduction to School FieldLink
13Strategic Plan of FEB UnesaLink
14Guideline of Infrastructure DevelopmentLink
15Strategic Plan of Research and Community ServiceLink
16Guideline of International ClassLink
17Guideline of Opening and Closing ProgramLink
18Guideline of Survey PolicyLink